Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP)

Grow Your Business Online Grant

ozmo media graphic design company and digital marketing Website design

Use the CDAP grant assessment tool to see if your business qualifies

You can get funding through CDAP if your business:

  • is a for-profit business (including for-profit social enterprises and co-operatives)
  • is registered or incorporated
  • is consumer-facing (sells goods and services directly to end consumers)
  • has at least one employee (other than the owner) OR had at least $30,000 in annual revenue in the most recent tax year 
  • commits to maintaining a digital adoption strategy for six months
  • agrees to participate in follow-up surveys, share data about the experience, and have its name published as a grant recipient

Your business is not eligible if it is:

  • a corporate chain, franchise or registered charity
  • a representative of a multi-level marketing company
  • a brokerage firm, such as real estate agents, investment advisors, insurance agents, etc.
  • a business that is engaged in online reselling or drop-shipping reliant on third-party suppliers
  • a wholesale or distribution business and manufacturer (unless you sell directly to consumers)

How can you use your grant?

  • To develop a new e-commerce website or add functionality to your existing site (e.g. online reservation/booking tools, online ordering systems, electronic payments, search engine optimization (SEO))
    • Redesign of an existing site is not eligible
  • To install an e-commerce platform (including subscription fees/costs)
  • To hire a consultant to help with digital marketing strategies for your e-commerce store that could include activities such as social media advertising.
    • Your grant cannot be used solely for digital marketing or social media advertising; such uses must be tied to an overall e-commerce implementation plan and not a standalone item
  • To track and manage inventory and sales, market to customers, offer discounts, maintain a loyalty program, or increase cyber security using e-commerce software
  • To pay up to 20% of the total cost of hardware and software

Eligible costs must be directly tied to the sale of goods and services online.

ozmo media graphic design company and digital marketing Website design

Are we a digital agency if we don’t tell you a little bit about our culture?

Agile Work

Our values center around how we interact with one another, how we engage with you, and our approach to each day at work. Witnessing our team embody these values daily fills us with pride.

We firmly believe that enjoying your workplace and forming positive connections with your colleagues fosters an environment where great achievements come naturally. We see fun at work not as a hindrance to productivity but as a supportive element. In fact, injecting an element of enjoyment into our work is a valuable contribution in its own right.

We believe the right design will bring your business to life

Are you on the right channels?

Digital Marketing

To kickstart your digital marketing journey, we’re offering a complimentary list of recommendations tailored specifically for your campaign. Our aim is to guide you toward the most effective marketing avenues and provide top-notch suggestions to foster the growth of your business.

Feel free to reach out, and we’ll be delighted to share these valuable insights with you.

ozmo media graphic design company and digital marketing Website design